Lehmann, Steffen. Elsevier; 2008. Sustainability on the urban scale: green urbanism - new models for urban growth and neighbourhoods.
Hits: 497
Visitors: 718
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Lattke, Frank, Lehmann, Steffen. College Publishing; 2007. Multi-storey residential timber construction: current developments in Europe.
Hits: 2200
Visitors: 2191
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Lehmann, Steffen. Jasubhai Group; 2008. A perspective for remote Aboriginal communities in Australia?.
Hits: 1002
Visitors: 1183
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Lehmann, Steffen. Goethe-Institut Australien; 2009. Art activates Sydney's laneways.
Hits: 856
Visitors: 1096
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Lehmann, Steffen. Royal Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter; 2008. Qingyun Ma: curatorial city.
Hits: 1121
Visitors: 1087
Downloads: 1
Lehmann, Steffen. Shenzhen Shi Beilin Yuanjingguan ji Jianzhu Guihua Shejiyuan Youxian Gongsi (Chenbeilingyuan); 2009. Sustainable city growth: new models for the post-industrial city.
Hits: 517
Visitors: 763
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Lehmann, Steffen. Hatje Cantz Verlag; 2009. Back to the city: strategies for informal urban interventions: collaboration between artists and architects.
Hits: 1385
Visitors: 1382
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Lehmann, Steffen. College Publishing; 2006. Towards a sustainable city centre: integrating ecologically sustainable development (ESD) principles into urban renewal.
Hits: 1244
Visitors: 1837
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Dong, Wenli, Lehmann, Steffen, Mackee, Jamie. CSAAR Press; 2010. A holistic approach for evaluating sustainable development: exploring Indigenous approaches in China.
Hits: 2649
Visitors: 2606
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Lehmann, Steffen. Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia (AASA); 2009. Re-compacting the city: theorizing sustainability on the urban scale.
Hits: 1394
Visitors: 1371
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Lehmann, Steffen. Niche Media; 2009. Beauty in necessity: Christoph Ingenhoven.
Hits: 878
Visitors: 1090
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Lehmann, Steffen. LIT Verlag Dr W. Hopf; 2008. The work of Vilanova Artigas and Lina Bo Bardi, 1950-1970: regional identity and modern architecture in the postcolonial Brazilian context.
Hits: 603
Visitors: 545
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Dong, Wenli, Lehmann, Steffen, Mackee, Jamie. University of Melbourne; 2010. Density variation and climate differentiation in China: comparative study on compaction models for five Chinese cities: Harbin, Tianjin, Wuhan, Chongquing and Shenzhen.
Hits: 1220
Visitors: 1826
Downloads: 287
Lehmann, Steffen. Jasubhai Group; 2008. On the urban scale.
Hits: 700
Visitors: 789
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Lehmann, Steffen. Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA); 2008. Research in sustainable design and construction systems: multi-storey residential timber buildings in Europe.
Hits: 891
Visitors: 1487
Downloads: 703
Dong, Wenli, Lehmann, Steffen, Mackee, Jamie. Common Ground; 2010. From cities to districts: combined analysis on density variation of Chinese cities in different climate zones.
Hits: 1249
Visitors: 1829
Downloads: 319
Lehmann, Steffen. Hatje Cantz Verlag; 2009. Regenerating the city.
Hits: 539
Visitors: 523
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Lehmann, Steffen. Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR); 2008. Regional identity reconsidered: the work of Artigas and Bo Bardi in the Brazilian context (1950-70).
Hits: 1048
Visitors: 1019
Downloads: 7
Lehmann, Steffen. Palamedia Limited; 2008. An urban ultimatum.
Hits: 1280
Visitors: 1256
Downloads: 1
Lehmann, Steffen. Hatje Cantz Verlag; 2009. Hidden in the urban fabric: art + architecture, a case study of collaboration in interdisciplinary contexts.
Hits: 875
Visitors: 876
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Lehmann, Steffen. College Publishing; 2009. Developing a holistic pathway to climate-adaptive buildings.
Hits: 893
Visitors: 880
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Lehmann, Steffen. College Publishing; 2007. Sustainability on the urban scale: 'Green Urbanism' - mark II.
Hits: 788
Visitors: 762
Downloads: 0
Lehmann, Steffen. Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR); 2008. City culture, urbanity and the creative cities debate: what makes Berlin (still) a creative city?.
Hits: 4407
Visitors: 2227
Downloads: 1
Lehmann, Steffen. University of the Sunshine Coast; 2008. 'Post-industrial urban landscape': regenerating Newcastle: renewal of a post-industrial urban landscape.
Hits: 4010
Visitors: 4585
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Lehmann, Steffen. Technische Universitat Berlin; 2009. The UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Urban Development.
Hits: 748
Visitors: 976
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Lehmann, Steffen. Jasubhai Group; 2008. On the urban scale.
Hits: 869
Visitors: 992
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Lehmann, Steffen. Delft University of Technology; 2009. On the urban scale: city densification, and the need to solve large-scale energy problems: case study City Campus and Port City.
Hits: 801
Visitors: 774
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Lehmann, Steffen. Hatje Cantz Verlag; 2009. The commodification of urban culture, or: the (re)emergence of Berlin as creative city.
Hits: 3439
Visitors: 2803
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Lehmann, Steffen. Infinite Press; 2009. On the work of media artist Cida de Aragon: urban migration, surveillance and public space.
Hits: 1766
Visitors: 1901
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Lehmann, Steffen. Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR); 2006. Rethinking the design studio: art + architecture: a case study of collaboration in an interdisciplinary context.
Hits: 1191
Visitors: 1456
Downloads: 98
Philp, Angela, Lehmann, Steffen. Infinite Press; 2009. Temporary and permanent: Cida de Aragon.
Hits: 1702
Visitors: 1831
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Lehmann, Steffen. UCD Energy Research Group; 2008. Two models for sustainable urban growth of the post-industrial city: Port City and City Campus.
Hits: 915
Visitors: 925
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Lehmann, Steffen. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne; 2009. Interdisciplinary models for collaboration between artists and architects: empowering community, inspiring urban renewal.
Hits: 400
Visitors: 751
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Lehmann, Steffen, Ingenhoven, Christoph. College Publishing; 2009. The future is green: a conversation between two German architects in Sydney.
Lehmann, Steffen. WIT Press; 2008. Growth of the post-industrial city: densification and expansion: two models for sustainability on the urban scale.
Hits: 758
Visitors: 707
Downloads: 1
Lehmann, Steffen. Politecnico Di Milano; 2007. Hidden in the urban fabric: art + architecture: a case study of collaboration in interdisciplinary contexts.
Hits: 541
Visitors: 894
Downloads: 0
Lehmann, Steffen. College Publishing; 2010. Lessons from Europe for China?: new urban sub-centres for a polycentric network city.
Hits: 439
Visitors: 653
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Lehmann, Steffen. College Publishing; 2008. Rapid urbanization in the Asia-Pacific: a roadmap to 2015 and beyond.
Hits: 983
Visitors: 1187
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Shiel, John, Lehmann, Steffen, Mackee, Jamie. Unitec Institute of Technology; 2010. Effectiveness of methods to calculate the greenhouse gas emission reduction of residential refurbishments.
Hits: 1595
Visitors: 1957
Downloads: 204
Lehmann, Steffen. CII-ITC; 2008. Sustainable city growth: densification and expansion - two models for the post-industrial city.